
Most enterprises are structured around business function [REFERENCE].

Within business functions Profit & Loss (P&L). Loosely, this means that the different components of an organization are, generally speaking, either an area that generates revenue (and profit), or an area that is an expense. This is a significant simplification but sufficient for our purposes.

Capital & Sustainment

Development & Operations


Before we start, we need to go over a few assumptions.

  1. Your organization has not adopted Agile.
  2. Your organization has separate Dev and Ops teams.
  3. Your Dev and Ops teams are either internal or you have some ability to control or influence how they work.

Planning for DevOps

Assess. The first step is to perform an assessment of your organization. You need to know exactly what you are dealing with. [Need to know the state REWRITE].

Need to know the landscape of your organization.

  • What kind of teams do you have?
  • Where are the teams located within the organization?
  • What kind of buy-in will you need? At what level?
  • What kind of tools do the teams use? What are the kinds of span-of-control issues that will or could arise?
  • What level of collaboration is needed? How will this need to change, adapt, and mature over time?

In particular, the current state and readiness of the following areas of your organization are critical:

  • Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Software Development/Engineering
  • Information Technology (IT).



DevOps Software Engineering/Development Cycle
