Review the project backlog and plan the work to be completed in the upcoming sprint.
Most of the backlog grooming be completed separately, in advance of the sprint planning.
Sprint Demo
Attendees and Audience
Scrum team(s), along with business users and business stakeholders.
The primary target for sprint demos is business users and stakeholders.
The secondary target is other team members.
Objectives of Sprint Demos
Review and present the work completed in the previous sprint cycle, from an end-user perspective.
Present an overview of the stories and functionality that was completed in the previous sprint cycle, in order to solicit and capture feedback on what was completed in the previous sprint cycle.
Present an overview of the goals for the next sprint cycle.
Foster conversation and communication between the scrum team and the end users and business stakeholders.
Technical feedback should be saved for the Sprint Retrospectives.
Demo focuses on functionality that is done (meets definition of done). We don’t present functionality that is in progress.
Demo complete stories.
Demo functionality that provides value to the end users.
Sprint Retrospective
Attendees and Audience
Scrum Team.
Review the work done in the previous sprint.
Complete the Sprint Demo before the Retrospective so that feedback from the Sprint Demo can be reviewed at the Retrospective if needed.
Daily Standups
Attendees and Audience
Scrum team.
Each team member reports (1) work completed yesterday, (2) work to be done today, and (3) any roadblocks they are facing.
The scrum master needs to maintain the flow of the meeting and keep it on target.
The scrum master is responsible for following up on any roadblocks or delegating this to another team member.
Daily standups are generally done with the team members talking to one another, however, if team members are unable to attend, or the scrum team is large, team members may provide short written summaries of their three points in advance in order to help streamline the standup.