Terminology: Story Points
- The purpose of Story Points is to have a relative system. Story points are not meant to be a calculation. They are not equivalent to “hours” or “days” of time.
- Estimate Story Points.
- Linear vs. Fibonacci Estimating.
- Planning Cards (“Poker”).
- Over time figure out Velocity.
- Velocity will allow you to convert Story Points to hours.
Estimating Story Points
The process is simple. When you are starting from scratch,
Estimate size. Derive duration from the size.
- Need to move 2000 bricks.
- Wheelbarrow can move 20 bricks.
- Three minutes to load wheelbarrow.
- 2000/20 = 100 wheelbarrow loads.
- 50 story points.
- Derive duration = 100 * 3 mins = 300 mins
Painting a house. You have floor plan, but no dimensions.
Strategy 1: Identify the smallest room. Call that “1 story point”. Then calculate the other sizes based on the smallest room.
Strategy 2:
- Important that the team agrees on the process. The process needs to work for the team. Different teams may have slightly different processes for estimating.
- https://rubygarage.org/blog/how-to-estimate-with-story-points
- http://www.agilebuddha.com/agile/agile-estimation-8-steps-to-successful-story-point-estimation/
- https://www.scrum.org/forum/scrum-forum/28432/story-point-estimation-value-based-instead-effort-based
- https://medium.com/serious-scrum/12-common-mistakes-made-when-using-story-points-f0bb9212d2f7