What is Enterprise DevOps?

Enterprise DevOps is the application of DevOps and Agile principles and practices in large organizations whose primary focus is not software.

Most large enterprises today have some amount of Information Technology and/or software backing up their core capabilities. Although there was a trend to outsource much of this technology in the mid and late 2000s, that trend has reversed to a degree. Organizations have started to realize that portions of the technologies they were outsourcing were critical to their core business, and often form a strategic component of their competitive advantage [TODO: REFERENCE].

One of the primary challenges with implementing Agile principles and DevOps practices in large enterprises is that these organizations tend to be oriented around yearly and quarterly models for forecasting, planning, and reporting. This is at odds with many Agile principles.

*TODO: OVERVIEW OF CONTENT* Dealing with this challenge.

Trends in cloud computing has shifted the focus to the ability to deliver software reliably and at scale. Similarly, the value in software development practices is shifting to practices that make it as easy as possible to stitch together a modern application. Enterprises expect more from their apps than they did just a few years ago, and the overall software lifecycle needs to make it easier for apps to deliver on features and experiences, while remaining stable, reliable, and performant.

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Comparing Agile, CICD, and DevOps

Agile, CICD, and DevOps are often confused or used interchangeably. They are, however, very different things. Agile is a set of principles, CI/CD is a set of practices that focuses on tools and emphasizes automation, while DevOps is a set of practices with a focus on integrating development and operations.

Enterprise DevOps Topics

DevOps: Take Agile and Lean to the Next Level

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